2015년 4월 18일 토요일
Using the website
Whenever I taught phonics part, I always use the site 'Starfall'.
I believe that site if excellent to start learning English.
My niece loved to study by using that site.
But after that, I don't really use the web-site.
My niece, he doesn't like English at all. He always say " Aunt! when are you going to leave here?
(I told them I will move to another city soon)
However, he begun to have some interest after I use some website.
He sometimes say 'Can I study by using the web?'
He learned the new words by using quizlet I posted on my blog.
He is interested in learning the new words and can memorize longer.
I should have used more often..
Sorry my student.. Forgive me my laziness.
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